You might feel that you have developed the perfect app to help improve your customers’ experience and satisfaction. But there will always be some users who feel differently. One of the best ways to understand your users and serve them better is to simply ask them. Triptale allows you to collect feedback, reviews, and rating scores through one smart feature. This information will help you match your users’ expectations and needs and will become an invaluable resource for your business development.

Providing feedback channels is an excellent way to get your users to tell you of their must-haves and nice-to-haves. Once you have this information, it is easy to modify and improve your app. You keep your users happy and position your brand as attentive and trustworthy. Simply, add a feedback button to your app and encourage your users to interact with you. That way, you help them help you improve your product.

Making it easy for your users to give you feedback is a win-win situation. They give you their honest comments and ideas, and you receive valuable information you wouldn’t get any other way. Triptale’s feedback function helps your customers feel heard and appreciated and makes your brand more interactive and reliable. Ask your users to rate and review your app and follow them on their user experience journey. Collect reviews when your users are most likely to feel satisfied. For example, when they purchased an item or finalized an assignment or a level.

Triptale’s feedback, review, and rating score system features:

Allow your users’ voice to be heard.

Let your app users share their experiences with other users.

Let your app users review your app.

Monitor reviews and ratings directly from your back-office.

Prevent spam and encourage a positive communication style.

Our talented team has plenty of experience, a sharp eye for details, and a love for challenges. We focus on excellent user experience that serves specialized goals for each business. Ready to take the next step for your business? We’ll be with you every step of the way.

Andrius Bendikas, Head of Account Management