All data in one place
Understanding your users’ behavior is very advantageous to your business. Implementing an analytics feature is one of the key elements used when tracking, and benefiting from, such data. When monitoring user behavior, you gain a greater understanding of your users, making it possible to serve them better. When your app serves your customers well, it serves you well. Triptale can offer a database and an advanced analytics feature that can track, analyze, and measure your users’ activity and engagement in your app.
Collected data is the key to your future marketing strategies
Using the analytics feature on your app will measure different aspects of activities; app-installations, number of clicks, views, events, number of mobile app versions, flows, user retention, funnel analysis, to name but a few. By analyzing user activity you are able to identify and implement the most suitable marketing strategy for your business. All this will help you and your business improve your users’ experience and ultimately benefit both your customers and your business.

Triptale offers a featured database and advanced analytics tools that allow you to:
Have a complete overview of your iOS and Android downloads, trends, active users, sessions, average session time, and much more.
Discover who visits your app: Are they are active users, how did they find your app, how much time do they spend on the app, how often and what time do they use the app, and much more.
Monitor new content easily. E.g. new pages, events, reviews, user collections, followers, pinned posts and events, and more.
Discover your users’ demographics (country, city, gender, age, etc.) and which devices they use.
Export your platform’s statistics to a PDF or Excel format for further usage.
Choose the frequency of your e-mail report, whether weekly or monthly, all according to your needs and preferences.
30+ qualified employees ready to build your app
Our talented team has plenty of experience, a sharp eye for details, and a love for challenges. We focus on excellent user experience that serves specialized goals for each business. Ready to take the next step for your business? We’ll be with you every step of the way.